OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
COM Components for OPC Classic
Client and Subscriber Development > Development Fundamentals > Referencing the Components (COM) > COM Components for OPC Classic

In order to gain access to all COM objects of OPC Data Client "Classic", you need types described in the following type libraries:

Type Library Name LIBID Note
OPC Labs Base Library ecf2e77d-3a90-4fb8-b0e2-f529f0cae9c9  
OPC Labs Base Library Components 1F127C9A-7FB7-4F5E-BCF6-64339872A64B  
OPC Labs Base Library Forms A0D7CA1E-7D8C-4D31-8ECB-84929E77E331 only for User Interface objects
OPC Labs EasyOPC “Classic” Library 1F165598-2F77-41C8-A9F9-EAF00C943F9F  
OPC Labs EasyOPC “Classic” Components Library A03AA108-3C6B-4CB0-A813-BCBBCD335DAE  
OPC Labs EasyOPC “Classic” Core Library 1F457B45-A4E0-4A92-928F-D1D1ACB67C54  
OPC Labs EasyOPC Forms 2C654FA0-6CD6-496D-A64E-CE2D2925F388 only for User Interface objects

For illustration and for your convenience, we have listed below examples of source code reference statements for the “OPC Labs EasyOPC “Classic” Library” in various languages and tools.

Language/tool Statement
C++ #import" libid:1F165598-2F77-41C8-A9F9-EAF00C943F9F"      // OpcLabs.EasyOpcClassic
WSH <referenceguid="{1F165598-2F77-41C8-A9F9-EAF00C943F9F}" /> <!--OpcLabs.EasyOpcClassic-->
ASP <!—METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" NAME="OPC Labs Easy “Classic” Library" UUID="{1F165598-2F77-41C8-A9F9-EAF00C943F9F}" -->
See Also